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September Half Field Summary

We had a gorgeous day to shoot the second half of CBH’s field course. The sun shone. The mosquitoes were largely at bay and the camaraderie was high. For some, it was a first time experience to shoot NFAA field. For others, a great way to stay engaged in a highly entertaining way to shoot archery.

Congratulations to all who participated and to those of you who shot both the June and September events!

As we all know, these events take planning and volunteers to execute. A heartfelt thank you to Cris Gilmore, who worked registration and the kitchen both in June and Septmeber. Cheri Kirkpatrick glued all the targets we used on the 10th, with some help from JOAD parents. Andrew Querol created and managed our on line registration for both June and September. Heather Hodge provided food, laid out the markings on the course and prepped the course so we could all have great event. We are fortunate to have a great archery community.



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